Friday, October 10, 2008

Princess Leia was an agile coach...

Great article about managing, anxiety, stress, etc. Includes a Star Wars reference for the fanboys:
The problem is that the more we try to control, the more pressure we put on people, the less likely we are to get what we really want. Princess Leia said it best back in the 70's… "The more you tighten our grip Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers". The more we scream… the more we demand… the more we try to control… the less likely we are to get what we want.

Being anxious leads us to demand control. The more we try we try to control, the less likely we are to actually get the outcomes we desire.
It wasn't until after the fact I realized that Mike Cottmeyer wrote it. Met him at Agile 2008 and he's got some good ideas rolling around in that head of his.

It's Friday... I'm not going to add to this one, I'm just suggesting you go read it. It gave me some good food for thought, maybe it will for you also.

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